memories of my dad

my dad always said he wanted to publish a book of all his stories...

Friday, December 30, 2005

a few funny memories

my parents always told me funny stories from when i was little. just thought of a few of them today:

1) one time, when i was just a little baby, my dad was in the driver's seat of our parked car, and my mom put me in the carseat in the backseat. she closed the door, but unbeknownst to my dad, she didn't get into the backseat with me. i guess he drove away, leaving my mom on the side of the road by mistake. it wasn't until a few blocks later that he realized my mom wasn't in the car (probably because she wasn't responding to his conversation). oops.

2) when i was 2-3 years old, my parents took me to vegas. of course, i tried to run into the casino but i wasn't allowed to. my mom was holding my hand and i yanked so hard to try to run into the casino that i twisted my arm or something. i guess i cried and cried and cried, but later on they took me to see some white tiger show and i started laughing and clapping, and that's how they knew i was just fine.

3) my dad used to travel a lot when i was young, and my mom and i used to talk on the phone with him a lot. i remember my mom giving me the phone to talk to dadi. one time, my mom was making dumplings in preparation for my dad to come home, and she left some uncooked ones on the dining table. somehow, i climbed up onto the table and decided to sit right on top of them, flattening all of them. i think my dad still ate them, though. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya! I remember I loved and had time to make and eat dumplings. I was the first group to promote food made by flour in Taiwan, i.e. Before staring my college at NTU, I had been trained to get the techniques in making not only wrapping dumplings but also making skins starting from scratch(from flour).
After years I am still proud of my techniques and creation of making dumplings.

5:46 AM  

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